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HW Wednesday, 5/10
Finish reading the article on Capt. Cook on google classroom then answer the 10 questions.
HW Thursday, 5/4
Made in ________ worksheet
HW  Thursday, 4/27
Physical Map of East Asia due tomorrow!
HW Wednesday, 4/26
Physical Map of East Asia due Friday! (We will have 25-30 minutes of class time tomorrow to work on it)
HW Tuesday, 4/25
Finish #4 if not done in class today.  Use the key on the front of your map to find the distances.
HW Thursday, 4/13
Study for Southeast Asia Map Quiz tomorrow!
HW Tuesday, 4/11
Finish Sumba Qs (white lined paper & for #5 draw/label on computer paper)
HW Monday, 4/10
Physical Map of Southeast Asia due tomorrow
HW Weds., 4/5
Finish #1 stats & #2 Crossword
HW Tues., 4/4
Finish essay if not done in class.
HW Weds., 3/29
Extra Credit: Flags of Bhutan & Nepal--draw, color and explain meaning of symbols and colors.
HW Thurs., 3/23
Finish #12 World's Tallest Mountains Chart & Map
HW Weds., 3/22
Finish #11 Bar Graph of World's Tallest Mountains
HW Tues., 3/21
Finish #10 from class if not complete.
Optional--read and answer questions on form on google classroom--get all 4 correct and earn +5 points on the next quiz!
HW Mon., 3/20
Optional--read articles on google classroom and answer questions on the form.  4/4 correct = +5 points on physical map of Middle East OR Middle East Map Quiz!
HW Thurs., 3/16
Study for Middle East Map Quiz tomorrow!
HW Weds., 3/15
Finish crossword (#9)
HW Mon., 3/13
Finish "A World Without Oil" worksheet.  Due the next school day!
Start studying for the quiz on Friday.
HW Thurs., 3/9
Physical Map due tomorrow
HW Weds., 3/8
Dead Sea questions due tomorrow
Physical Map of Middle East due Friday
HW Tues., 3/7
Work on physical map of Middle East--due Friday
HW Monday, 3/6
Finish #5 Political Map & Stats for Middle East/Southwest Asia if not done in class 
HW Thurs., 3/2
Finish flowchart for Lake Chad
HW Mon., 2/27
Cuisines of Africa (2-sided)
Start studying for map quiz on Northern Africa (will be on Thurs.).
HW Fri., 2/17
EXTRA CREDIT--Read the article on google classroom, "Rising Star Cave" and complete the questions and/or write a paragraph summary about the article.  Submit via google or on lined paper when you return to school!
HW Weds., 2/15
Study for the Western Africa countries & capitals quiz tomorrow!
HW Tues., 2/14
1)  Mnemonic Device Wkst.due tomorrow
2)  Do snow day work on google classroom if not yet done
3)  Study for quiz on Thursday!
HW Mon., Feb. 6th
Finish crossword (#2) if not done
Finish Western Africa Map/stats (#3)
HW Weds, 2/1
Study for Central Africa Map Quiz--countries & capitals--Quiz Friday!
Pass in TOC tomorrow if you haven't already!
HW Tues., 1/31
Finish Map from class today (Central Africa)  Quiz Friday!
HW Mon., 1/30
Finish worksheet if not done
HW Thurs., 1/26
Study for Eastern Africa Countries & Capitals Quiz TOMORROW!
HW Weds., 1/25
Finish essay if not done in class.  Quiz Friday! Study maps!
HW Weds., 1/18
Do questions on google classroom (form) after reading or re-reading the article posted on classroom.
HW Tues., 1/17
Finish Qs from video from class (link-->)
HW Thurs. 1/12
Finish your part of Africa Physical Map...due tomorrow!
HW Weds. 1/11
Study for tomorrow's quiz on Southern Africa countries & capitals
HW Tues. 1/10
Africa's Lakes & Rivers Packet
Study your study map!  Quiz Thursday!
HW Mon. 1/9
2-sided Great Rift Valley Worksheet due tomorrow
HW Thurs. 1/5
Coloring challenge for Africa due tomorrow...winner from each class gets bonus points on next Thursday's quiz!
HW Thurs. 12/22
Finish fixing your video questions for full credit, if not done in class.
HW Tues. 12/20
Finish questions from video on white lined paper if not done in class--due tomorrow
HW Thurs. 12/15
Finish Questions from class (Inca Empire)
HW Tues. 12/13
Mining Metals 2-sided worksheet
HW Tues. 12/6
Physical map of South America due tomorrow!
Crossword due Thursday
HW Weds., 11/30
Finish #4 South America Political Map if you did not finish in class yesterday & today
HW Mon., 11/28
Finish reading and questions on google classroom.  Be sure to submit the form!
HW Mon. 11/21 & Tues. 11/22
Finish Panama Canal Project! 
Due Weds.!
HW Thurs., 11/16
Study for Central America countries & capitals quiz... tomorrow
HW Tues. 11/15
Finish classwork if not done (mapping Columbus' routes)
Quiz on Central American countries & capital cities on Friday
Extra Credit crossword due tomorrow
HW Mon. 11/14
1)  Finish Central America Map
2)  Answer question (on google classroom)
*Extra Credit crossword puzzle due Weds.
HW Weds., 11/9
Finish reading and questions about the Transcontinental Railroad on Google Classroom.  Questions should be answered in complete sentences on lined paper.  
HW Tues., 11/8
Final draft of U.S.A. Physical Map due tomorrow!
HW Mon., 11/7
Optional--work on physical map of U.S.A. --due on Weds., 11/9
HW Thurs., 11/3
Elks Essay due tomorrow.
Organized TOC due in class tomorrow.
HW Weds., 11/2
none/TOC due in class on Friday
HW Tues. 11/1
Road Trip Project due tomorrow!
HW Mon. 10/31
Work on Road Trip Project.  Today was the last day to work on during class time.  DUE WEDS., 11/2
HW Thurs. 10/27
Make edits to low scores for the Physical Map of Canada Quiz Grade returned today.  Due tomorrow!
HW Weds., 10/26
Coloring Challenge of United States extended...beat your LOW score...due tomorrow!
HW Tuesday, 10/25
Finish U.S.A. Regions Map
HW Monday, 10/24
Finish #16, U.S.A. blank map colored and chart of states, capitals and postal abbreviations
HW Thurs. 10/20
Study for Canada Political Map Quiz tomorrow!  
(Use study maps and/or google classroom links!)
HW Tues., 10/18
Finish Canada Physical Map--DUE THURS.! (10/20)
HW Thurs., 10/13
Finish Canada Political Map (#14) if not done in class today 
HW Tues., 10/11
Finish World Currency Exchange Worksheet
HW Thurs., 10/6
Find and read a current event article featuring a world organization.  Then fill out the current event form.
HW Weds., 10/5
Finish World Time Zone Worksheet
HW Weds., 9/28
Finish tracking the hurricanes!
HW Mon. 9/26
Finish "Finding Latitude & Longitude Worksheet" from class today.  
Quiz tomorrow on Latitude & Longitude
HW Thurs. 9/22
Latitude and Longitude Worksheet
HW Weds., 9/21
Finish #3 Definitions & Examples by using #4 or google
HW, Weds., 9/14
Finish at lest one map by tomorrow
1st HW assignment--9/7
#2--World Map

Update:  Wednesday, 5/10

Students have received their East Asia Physical Maps as well as their East Asia Map Quiz back.  They will be working on Australia/Oceania this week and possibly into the beginning of next week. They will end the school year studying Europe, the oceans and the future of geography!


Update:  Tuesday, 5/2

Quiz on East Asia countries and capitals Thursday OR Friday!  Be ready!


Update:  Monday, 4/24

Students received their grades for their Southeast Asia Map Quiz as well as their Southeast Asia Physical Maps today.  


Update:  Monday, 4/10

Physical Maps of Southeast Asia due tomorrow.  Countries & Capitals Map Quiz of Southeast Asia on Friday!


Update, Tuesday, 4/4

Students received their South Asia Physical Map grades today as well as their grade for Quarter 3.  


Update:  Monday, 3/27

South Asia Map Quiz tomorrow.  South Asia Physical Map due Wednesday.


Update:  Monday, 3/20

Students received their graded physical map (#6) back on Friday.  Students have the opportunity to bring up these grades by completing the Carl Sandiego challenge correctly and/or by answering 4/4 questions correctly after reading the articles posted on google classroom.  Students will receive their Middle East Map Quiz grades back tomorrow.


Update:  Monday, 3/13

Middle East Countries & Capitals Quiz Friday (3/17)--regardless of snow day(s).  Practice Maps were given out today, Monday.


Update:  Monday, 3/6

Students received their map quiz grades from Northern Africa (Friday).  Students are learning about the Middle East/Southwest Asia region.  They are currently working on the physical map (project grade).  Students will have some class work time, but will mostly work on it for homework this week (3/7, 3/8, 3/9) and is due Friday, 3/10.


Update:  Monday, 2/13

Check google classroom for snow day work (read article and fill out google form and submit)

Western Africa Map Quiz moved to this Thursday, 2/16!  Links also posted to google classroom.  STUDY!  

REMEMBER:  Graphic Novel due tomorrow, Tues. 2/14


Update:  Tuesday, 1/31

Quiz Friday on Central African countries & capitals (7 countries & their capitals)


Update:  Monday, 1/30

Students received their Eastern Africa countries & capitals map quiz grades today (first quiz grade of 3rd quarter).  Report cards go home tomorrow.


Update:  Monday, 1/23

Students received their Physical Map of Africa grades today (with an estimated grade for Quarter 2)

Eastern African countries & capitals map quiz on Friday, 1/27--First Quiz Grade of the 3rd Quarter!


Update:  Tuesday, 1/17

Click here for the link to the Nelson Mandela video from class today


Update:  Thursday, 1/5

Map Quiz on countries & capitals of Southern Africa on Thursday, 1/12.  Use #10 to help you study!


Update:  Thursday, 12/22

Students received their quiz grades for South America, countries & capitals quiz yesterday.  

The geography bee classroom rounds are underway.  The team winner will advance to the school finals in January!


Update:  Wednesday, 12/14

Students received their Physical Maps of South America (#6 in TOC) today.  This counts for a quiz grade!

There will be a quiz on the countries and capitals of South America on Tuesday, 12/20.  Students can use the links posted on Google Classroom to help them prepare for this quiz.


Update:  Wednesday, 11/30

Students received their Panama Canal Project grades today.  They will be working on physical maps of South America this week and early next week.


Update:  Monday, 11/21

Students received their grades for their U.S.A. physical maps as well as their grades for their Central America countries & capitals quiz today!  (These are the first major grades for Quarter 2)



Update:  Wednesday, 11/16

Panama Canal Project due next Weds., 11/23


Update:  Tuesday, 11/15

hereCentral America countries & capitals quiz on Friday.  Click to to to links on google classroom to help you prepare.


Update: Monday, 11/7

U.S.A. Physical Map Final Draft (worked on today in class and part of tomorrow's class) due Weds., 11/9

Road Trip Project Grades and TOC Quiz Grades were handed back to students on Monday, 11/7


Update:  Monday, 10/31

Road Trip Project is due Weds. 11/2!

This should be finished at home tonight and tomorrow night!


Update:  Weds., 10/26

Students are beginning a Road Trip Project within a United States Region.  Students will be working on this project in class today, tomorrow and Friday.  More information to follow...

Students received their Physical Map of Canada Quiz Grade back today, Thursday, 10/27


Updates:  Thurs., 10/13 & Tues., 10/18:  

Students worked on the Physical Map of Canada on class Friday, Monday and all of class Tuesday.  Maps should be finished at home and are due Thursday (10/20).

There will be a quiz on the territories of Canada and their capitals (political map) on Friday, Oct. 21st. Students should refer to #14 in their TOC, as well as practice maps distributed this week in order to help them study.  



Make up latitude & longitude quizzes on Monday, Oct. 3rd after-school (if you can't make this day/time, see Mrs. Durkee to schedule another time.)


Project Grades distributed, Mon., 9/26

1st project introduced, "Making Maps"--9/12

This will be primarily an in-class project.  

Bring materials to class on Tuesday, 9/13 to start working on the project.

*In order to use the chrome books for this project you must have submitted your green form*

Map Project due Tuesday, 9/20

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